
农民2万斤西瓜被砍烂 罪魁祸首究竟是谁?(双语)

时间:2021-03-08 20:01:48编辑:刘牛来源:曲谱自学网

  为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了农民2万斤西瓜被砍烂 罪魁祸首究竟是谁?(双语),多多阅读对于提高英语水平是至关重要的,更多英语学习资料欢迎大家随时关注英语学习网http: english koolearn com

农民2万斤西瓜被砍烂 罪魁祸首究竟是谁?(双语)


  For melon farmers, this season is a good time for a ripe watermelon harvest. In recent days, Henan's 64-year-old melon farmer has been slashed with 20,000 kilograms of watermelon. This has caused a lot of attention. As there are too many watermelons destroyed, it has constituted a criminal case. Currently, An investigation has been initiated. Some media interviewed the party Wang Yanming. At this time, Wang Yanming was heartbroken. He said that he would “never plant melon again” in the future so as to avoid further disfavor. Who did it?


  According to the introduction of Wang Yanming, Guonong, their family of six people all looked at the two acres of melons to sell some money to maintain their lives. In order to grow these melons, he and his family began to raise seedlings at the end of January this year, and they were busy in the field all day long. Recently, because watermelon has reached a mature season, he lived in the melons during the day and night. He did not expect to leave once in a while, and the watermelons in the ground were all smashed.


  At 11 o'clock on the evening of June 29, he thought that the peppers picked up by the family in the afternoon would need to be sold to the morning market the next morning, and they would go home to pick up the loading. Busy until 3 am the next day, he rode a tricycle to the market to sell peppers. When I sold the peppers back to the melon at 8 o'clock in the morning, I found that all the melons were cut. The length of the knife was thirty or forty centimeters, and the short one was five or six centimeters. Some watermelons were also cut several times. It’s mad.


  According to Wang Xiaopeng, the nephew of Wang Yanming, the family members heard that the 2 acres of watermelons of his Erbo (Wang Yanming) family were all chopped and were very angry. They rushed to the field to check. At that time, Erbo was crying to death, and the family worried that he was out of trouble. He quickly stepped forward to comfort and took the old man home from the ground to prevent him from seeing the smashed watermelon. Wang Yanming an alarm.


  It is understood that Wang Yanming's family is a kind of watermelon called "beauty sweet", and it will be matured in about 10 days. Due to the favorable climate this year, coupled with the careful care of his family and his family, the yield per mu of melon land exceeds 10,000 kg. According to the current local market price, 20,000 kilograms of watermelon can sell at least 20,000 yuan.


  "If the melon is stolen and eaten, you will not be so distressed, at least not wasted." Wang Yanming hopes that the police can catch the murderer as soon as possible and ask him and his family to be fair. Otherwise, he will never plant it again. Melon.

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